完成銷售團隊的個人目標和集體目標; To achieve budgeted individual targets AND collective targets of the sales team;
通過挖掘現有數據庫、市場調研、推薦人和通過人際網絡開發新的潛在客戶; Develop new leads by mining existing database, market research, referrals driving through personal network;
負責過跨國國際企業客戶; Has managed global multi-national clients;
必須有與關鍵行業客戶合作的經驗和成功銷售經驗; Must have experience sales success with clients in key industries;
具有良好的內部團隊管理和協調能力,確保滿足客戶的需求和期望; Manage co-ordinate with all internal support teams to ensure client requirements expectations are met;
開發和維護強大的銷售渠道,定制的方案演示文稿,為客戶的各種需求提供策略和解決方案; Generate maintain a strong sales pipeline, prepare customized proposal presentations to provide the strategy solutions fvarious client requirements;
對本地市場和競爭的有充分的了解; Knowledge of the local market the competition;
敏(min)銳(rui)的市場(chang)洞(dong)察力(li),預測市場(chang)變化,制定和實(shi)施相(xiang)應的策略,引入創新的解決方案(an)和服務; Keen market insight to predict market changes to develop implement strategies to introduce innovative solutions services accordingly;
研究生學歷,擁有6-12年的技術解決方案銷售經驗; A post graduate degree is required, 6-12 years technical solution sales experience;
2.要求英語流利,優秀的整體溝通能力;說、聽、寫、講; Fluent in English is required .,Excellent overall communication skills; speaking, listening, writing, presenting。 3.在IT/AI/Smart系統銷售方面有良好的業績記錄,負責直銷或直銷渠道; Has a proven track record in IT/AI /Smart system Sales in a Direct In-Direct Sales Channel responsibility; 4.對熟悉行業領先技術供應商/原始設備制造商有一定的了解,并具較強的主動性; A self-starter who is familiar with leading Technology Vendors / OEMs in the industry;
5.能夠(gou)(gou)管(guan)理高要(yao)求(qiu)的工作負荷(he),平衡(heng)多項任務,并在(zai)滿足銷售優先級(預(yu)訂、收入(ru)和(he)(he)毛(mao)利率)的同時(shi)切換; Ability to manage a demanding workload, balance multiple tasks switch gears while meeting Sales priorities (Bookings, revenue, gross margin); 6.必須有非常(chang)強的談(tan)判技巧(qiao),在(zai)全國和(he)(he)地區的矩陣(zhen)組(zu)織里有資源管(guan)理和(he)(he)獨立工作的能力; Must have strong negotiation skills, resource stewardship an ability to work independently in a matrix organization across country & region; 7.口齒清楚,有說服力;能夠(gou)(gou)以直截了當(dang)和(he)(he)透明(ming)的方式(shi)溝通困(kun)難和(he)(he)復雜的問(wen)題; Articulate persuasive; can communicate through difficult as well as complex matters in a straightforward transparent manner; 8.具有較強的組(zu)織、分析、詳細規劃和(he)(he)項目管(guan)理能力; Strong skills in organizational, analytical, detailed planning project management; 9..能夠(gou)(gou)快速掌握概(gai)念,超越傳統思維方式(shi),超越客戶(hu)期望; Ability to grasp concepts quickly, think beyond traditional methods to exceed client’s expectations; 10. 積極(ji)(ji)主動,品行(xing)端正,具備(bei)極(ji)(ji)強的執行(xing)能力; P roactive self-motivated,High in character integrity,Strong sense of urgency;