問 最近看到(dao)有(you)招聘西餐(can)(can)行(xing)政(zheng)總(zong)廚(chu)的(de),想咨詢一下(xia),西餐(can)(can)行(xing)政(zheng)總(zong)廚(chu)的(de)崗位職責是什么(me)?
答 1. Proficient in Dining restaurant operations of the kITchen. 全面(mian)掌握(wo)西餐廚房的業務。 2. Responsible for the production,preparation and presentation of all food items,to ensure highest qualITy at all times.負責西餐廚房所有食品、烹飪、裝飾,并(bing)確保達(da)到質量標準。 3. Food Cost control, purchasing and financial management. 做好食物成本控制、采購和財務管理(li)(li)。 崗位要求 Job Requirement Must have at least 5 years experience in large scale option 具備(bei)豐富的餐飲管理(li)(li)經驗 Must speak Chinese 中(zhong)文流(liu)利