The MAF RODA GROUP specializes in the design the manufacture of grading, packing, washing, bagging palletization systems ffresh fruit vegetable packing houses. Each of the MAF RODA GROUP companies is strategically located in the heart of the one largest agricultural producing areas of each continent. To assure our customers quality systems, MAF RODA invests heavily each year in Research Development in order to anticipate the needs of customers. The MAF RODA GROUP represents over 50 years of industry experience, has 18 subsidiary companies world-wide, employs a workforce of more than 910 people is proudly represented by 25 agents.
MAF RODA, the global concept ffruit vegetables.
法國(guo)MAF RODA 集團是全(quan)球最(zui)大(da)的鮮食(shi)農產(chan)品采(cai)后(hou)處理(li)及分選包裝(zhuang)設(she)備(bei)制(zhi)(zhi)造(zao)公司(si),也(ye)是全(quan)球唯一(yi)能生產(chan)全(quan)系列果蔬包裝(zhuang)工(gong)廠設(she)備(bei)的制(zhi)(zhi)造(zao)商(shang)。在全(quan)球擁有17家設(she)備(bei)制(zhi)(zhi)造(zao)工(gong)廠和貿易公司(si),下設(she)的分公司(si)分別在中國(guo),西(xi)班牙、美國(guo)、墨西(xi)哥、澳(ao)大(da)利亞、智利、韓國(guo),泰(tai)國(guo)等。
MAF RODA YANTAI is the last factory to open a 50 years old French international company whose factories are all over the world (includin個 France, Spain, USA,Mexico etc.). MAF RODA YANTAI is a fast growing company reaching out meet the demands of an ever growing Chinese market demanding more more machines to compensate the quick increase in labcost. Now Maf has over 70 employees in Yantai.
邁夫諾達機械(xie)設(she)備(煙臺)有限公(gong)司,于(yu)2006年6月成立(li),位于(yu)萊山經(jing)濟技術開發區(qu),注(zhu)冊資本65萬(wan)美元(yuan),投資總(zong)額(e)71.4萬(wan)美元(yuan),由(you)法國的MAF S.A.(France)公(gong)司投資興建。公(gong)司現有員工70余人。
MAF RODA YANTAI is now looking competent hands to continues it progression confirm our leading position in China.
- 國際化(hua)的(de)工作(zuo)環境
- 富有挑(tiao)戰性的工作內容
- 具有競(jing)爭(zheng)力(li)的薪酬
- 社會保險
- 住房公積金
- 國家法定(ding)節假日
- 免費午餐(4菜1湯+米(mi)飯+饅(man)頭)
- 交通補助
- 高溫補貼
- 全勤獎+績效獎
邁(mai)夫諾達機械(xie)設備(bei)(煙(yan)臺)有(you)限公司 數據來源:
法人代表:蓋偉?? 注冊資本:65萬美(mei)元?? 成立時間:2007-07-07